Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution: Next year, I plan to live in a paternalistic society which prohibits the use of firecrackers in residential areas (or at least in places near me) or in a place so boring they don't do anything bigger than a sparkler.

This is what Rotterdam looked like most of the evening.  This is around midnight and it kept up, about like this, until around 3 am.  These are not the official city fireworks (those were out over the Erasmusbrug which is on the other side of my building).  These are all personal fireworks which, apparently, every Rotterdammer and his brother had bought by the truck load.


  1. That looks fun! Around here all we get is gunfire.

  2. It was fun, but only for the first 20 hours or so. . .
