Saturday, January 21, 2012

Czech Beer

One interesting thing about the Czech Republic is that it is a country super-famous for the production of different beers.  They have all kinds of different beers which have their normal Czech names and then, for some reason, Germanicized names.  (The fact that Vaclave = Wenceslas is an example of that.)  Though, to be honest, I have absolutely no idea about how they make those name changes.

One particular Czech beer has been in a massive international fight over the name of their beer.  There is a beer company in the Czech Republic which has been manufacturing beer for about 600 years.  A hundred years or so ago they started using the name "Budvar".  The trouble started when the name was Germanicized  to Budweiser because, a few years before, an American company had started to manufacture under that name.  There was a huge fight over who got the rights to the name.  It finally got resolved so that the Anheuser-Busch company got the rights to the Budweiser name in America and the Budvar company got the rights everywhere else.  Everybody was worried that it would be too confusing for the consumers, otherwise.  Budvar can still sell beer in America, they just have to use the name Czechvar instead.

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