Saturday, April 14, 2012

Stuff I Missed . . .

Jael took pictures and left them with me.  Unfortunately, she deleted all of the really funny pictures of her before she did that.  But, in any case, I just looked through those pictures and found out there are some of them that relevant to stuff I already put up.

So, here, and with proper photography credits to Jael are pictures of St. Alban's Anglican Church.  Somehow, Jael, who took a total of about three non-food-related pictures the entire trip, ended up with more pictures of the church than I.
This a back-view of the church (with its steeple cut off).  It is from over the moat that
surrounds the Kastilette.  You can also see the very famous Gifeon Fountain.
Also, notice the swan sitting on its nest under the edge of the bridge.
St. Alban's Anglican Church
And, finally, a picture of me, in our hotel, on my side of the room which had a closet and the exit.  I would totally have won the "get out alive" race in the case of a fire.  Jael's side of the room only had a window with no fire escape.  I really did not remember Jael taking this picture.  I think that I have blocked it from my memory.

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