Monday, March 12, 2012


Tomorrow I may have to ask someone "Heeft u nog lucifers?"  Which means "Do you have any matches?"  It seems fitting/very odd that matches are called lucifers.

First, I looked it up on Google Translate--it works pretty well as a dictionary-- and, after sorting through the 10 noun options for "match", it looked like "lucifer" was what I wanted.  Then, I did a Google search for lucifer, just to see if Google Translate had given me the correct translation (I find that it is always best to double-check for alternate meanings--there are just so many ways you can get yourself into trouble, otherwise).  I wanted to be especially certain with this because I wasn't sure that my Dutch would stand up to explaining what I meant if there was translation problem and I asked some nice grocery-store clerk if she had any demons.

What I failed to take into consideration was that this made for a really odd Google search.

This is what my search results looked like.  (I did some redacting.  Who knew.  Apparently, when you look up the devil, sometimes there are very inappropriate pictures.  I wouldn't suggest doing it.)

But, see, right there at the bottom, circled?  It's a match.

The top Wikipedia result  for the search was also the devil.  When I scrolled down a bit I found matches under the entry labeled "Lucifer (voorwerp)".  Voorwerp means noun.  Perhaps it means specifically "common noun", otherwise I don't see how that is really a very helpful distinction.  In any case, this is, apparently, the correct word for what I want.

I may just ask if they have any "luciferboekjes" (matchbooks) instead and hope they direct me toward whatever kind of matches they happen to have and not toward the occult section.

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