Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hortus Botanicus

Carolus Clusius
The third thing I visited in Leiden was the Hortus Botanicus, the Botanical Garden which is a part of the University of Leiden.  It was founded in 1590 (before Jamestown!) by Carolus Clusius.  It is the oldest botanical garden in the Netherlands.

The gardens are quite extensive.  I went through the hot houses (on the right of the map below) but I didn't walk through all the rest of the garden because I was running low on time and because it was 2:30 by the time I got out and I still hadn't had any lunch.
This is a map of the garden grounds.

The massive garden green house.

The greenhouse from inside the gardens.
Palm trees in boxes along the outside of the green house.


This sign for the "Tropical Forest" section includes the
assurance that the air system was constantly treated
for Legionnaire's Disease.
I think that this is a lime tree.  Notice the fruits at all
different stages of development. 

The only carnivorous plants which I actually saw were
these pitcher plants.
The sign on the left says "Warning!" or "Look Out!"

People were throwing money onto the giant lily-pads.

The rose garden with a sundial.  The rosehips were massive.  They looked like small apples.  I didn't know they got that big.
They have an apiary in the summer.

Bridge over the canal that runs through the garden.

Herb garden and part of the
University of Leiden.

Massive Aloe Veras.


  1. Wow, my aloe vera always stayed miniscule, but that might be because of the frequent uprootings it was subjected to by certain young gentlemen.

  2. lol, poor little aloe vera plants.
